Pet Vaccinations and Pet Deworming
Pet vaccinations and deworming are a critical part of wellness and preventative medicine. Peak Vet protects your pet from specific illnesses that are common to their species by providing vaccinations. All dogs and cats require vaccinations throughout their life, with puppyhood and kittenhood being an essential period to begin them. As adults, your pets will still need vaccinations every 1 to 3 years to ensure they are adequately protected from life threatening diseases.
Peak Vet also performs deworming as it is an important preventative care measure to improve your pet’s health. Peak’s veterinarians recommend monthly deworming to ensure your pet is parasite free. Deworming also helps prevent transmission of parasites to human family members.

Dog Deworming and Cat Deworming
Equally as important as vaccinations is deworming. Following Deworming is just as important as vaccinations. Following guidelines from the Companion Animal Parasite Council, Peak Veterinary Hospital recommends monthly deworming for all dogs as well as cats that spend time outdoors. This is particularly important in southern Alberta, the Crowsnest Pass, Pincher Creek, Lethbridge, Fort Macleod, and Calgary off leash parks where there is significant overlap of territory with wildlife. Additionally, if your dog or cat roams free in areas such as Frank, Bellevue, Lundbreck, or Waterton they will also have an increased risk of exposure to wildlife. While the risk to indoor cats is lower, deworming every three months is recommended. Deworming, while improving the health of your pet, also helps prevent transmission of parasites to human family members.
Call to book a deworming appointment now: (403) 904-1100.
Or book a deworming appointment online:
Pet vaccinations are a critical part of wellness and preventative medicine. Vaccines help protect against specific infectious diseases. They stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize and fight an infection. Without vaccination, many pets would become seriously ill or die from preventable diseases.
Drs. Grandoni and White take recommendations made by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) into account when working with you to prescribe the best, patient specific vaccination protocol, guided by an individual risk-benefit assessment .
Pet vaccines help protect against specific infectious diseases. They stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize and fight an infection. Without vaccination, many pets would become seriously ill or die from preventable diseases.
Pet vaccines are introduced to puppies and kittens at the time antibodies received from nursing start to decline. This is an essential time, especially for puppies that are out socializing, and the importance of vaccinations cannot be understated. As adults, your pets will still need vaccinations every 1 to 3 years to ensure they are adequately protected from life threatening diseases.
Dog Vaccinations (Puppy shots or dog shots)

Canine vaccinations, sometimes referred to as puppy shots or dog shots, ensure that your dog will remain healthy throughout its lifetime. The initial puppy series typically starts between 6 to 8 weeks of age and are boostered every 3 to 4 weeks until they are 16 to 20 weeks old. As adults, dogs require booster vaccines every 1 to 3 years to ensure they remain protected from preventable diseases for their entire life. More information on the types of dog vaccines administered at Peak Vet can be found on our Dog Vaccinations page.
Call to book a dog vaccination now: (403) 904-1100.
Or book a dog appointment online:
BOOK APPOINTMENTCat Vaccinations (Kitten shots or cat shots)

Feline vaccinations start at a young age with the first kitten shots typically being administered between 6 and 8 weeks of age. Afterwards, follow up shots are due every 3 to 4 weeks until they are 16 to 20 weeks old. Most cat vaccines require a booster around 6 months of age. These are followed by continual boosters every 1 to 3 years. Vaccination schedules will vary based on the cat and type of vaccines. More information on the types of cat shots can be found on the Cat Vaccinations page.
Call to book a cat vaccination now: (403) 904-1100.
Or book a cat vaccination online:
BOOK APPOINTMENTRabbit Vaccinations (“Bunny shots” or “Rabbit shots”)

New to rabbit ownership? There is currently a growing need for vaccinating rabbits against Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV). In some countries that have been dealing with RHDV for many years, vaccines are routine for their rabbits. While vaccines to protect against RHDV are not available in Canada, authorities have imported the vaccines under emergency procedure.
At this time, Peak Veterinary Hospital recommends minimizing exposure coupled with monitoring and prevention with Filavac, a vaccine manufactured that protects against both RHDV1 and RHDV2 strains. It is recommended for rabbits over 10 weeks of age, and then boostered annually. For more information on RHDV and Peak’s next RHDV vaccination clinic, view the
Call to inquire about the next RHDV Clinic now: (403) 904-1100.
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